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Rhinoplasty Gold Coast Gold Coast Nose Surgery

Rhinoplasty, more commonly referred to as a nose job, reshapes the nose to enhance its appearance and correct functional issues.

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GOLD COAST NOSE SURGERYOver 30 years in rhinoplasty surgery

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that can reshape the nose by removing excess bone and cartilage and altering the support structures. This can address many issues with the nose, which may exist due to birth defects, injury, or dissatisfaction with its natural size and shape.

The goal of rhinoplasty is to reshape the nose in accordance with the patient’s aesthetic goals and other facial features. It aims to correct either aesthetic or functional issues, depending on the case. For example, the surgery can address a crooked or misshapen nose that is out of proportion, as well as change the overall size and shape of the nose. It can also adjust the cartilage to allow for better breathing function. Patients should be aware that there are risks involved, and the results can vary between patients according to their unique surgical plans.

Rhinoplasty surgeon Dr Terrence Scamp is highly trained in cosmetic plastic surgery, with over 30 years of experience. With a commitment to patient care, Dr Scamp and his team endeavour to tailor procedures to the unique preferences and needs of each patient. Enquire at our Gold Coast clinic to learn more about this procedure and whether it is an option for you.

AWARDED AUSTRALIAN PLASTIC SURGEONSuitable candidates for rhinoplasty

It is important to establish whether you are a candidate before proceeding with your cosmetic nose surgery. For this reason, we will need to discuss your health, goals, and other factors prior to creating your surgical treatment plan.

The surgery is suitable for men and women of all ages, as long as the nose is fully developed. In males, this will mean that surgery is appropriate from the age of 18 and females from 16 years old. The earliest recommended age for nose job surgery is the mid-teens when the nose is near full development. As long as you are in good health, there is no upper age limit for nose reshaping. The procedure may be suitable for people who have aesthetic concerns about the size or shape of their nose. This might include asymmetries, a dorsal hump, or a misshapen appearance due to a birth defect or injury. In addition, rhinoplasty can also help to correct nasal difficulties, by modifying the nose structure to promote better breathing and relieve sinus problems.

However, not everyone will benefit from this procedure. For example, if you have medical issues that put you at a higher risk, you may not be suitable. We advise that potential patients quit smoking in the lead-up to their surgery, as well as for several weeks afterwards.

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Our consultation process & techniques

Prior to having this procedure, all patients will meet with Dr Terrence Scamp to discuss the desired results of the surgery. Here, you will be able to discuss your motives for seeking surgery and which aesthetic or functional concerns you wish to address. Dr Scamp will examine your nose and explain the potential benefits and risks of the procedure. He will also outline your surgical options should you decide to proceed.

When we have determined that you are a good candidate, we can plan and help you prepare for your procedure. Dr Terrence Scamp will take photographs of your nose, allowing us to decide what surgery technique will deliver the best results. He will also create simulated post-surgery images using the Vectra 3D imagery equipment. This allows patients to visualise their results and form a realistic vision for their surgery results.

If you have further questions or concerns about this surgery, book a private consult. Dr Scamp will provide professional advice pertaining to your own health and situation.

How does it work?

The nose can be built up or scaled down by modifying its supporting structures, which may include adding or removing bone cartilage. For patients with breathing issues, we can modify the inside area of the nose in order to improve the nasal airway. This can be done at the same time as we alter the external appearance of your nose. If Dr Scamp requires a specialist ENT review, he will discuss this thoroughly at your consult appointment.

Rhinoplasty results can either be minor or significant, depending on the type of correction you need. It is important that both you and Dr Scamp agree on the goals of your surgery. Ensuring patients and surgeons are on the same page with the expected results after a surgical procedure is crucial.

A rhinoplasty should only be performed on a fully developed nose. Total development in males is usually by age 17 or 18 and in females by age 15 or 16. If the procedure is performed before then, the nose will continue to develop which can change the results and likely cause problems.

OurRhinoplasty Procedure

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that will involve patients going under a general anaesthetic, in order to reshape the nose. This will encourage pain-free and comfortable surgery. Your rhinoplasty surgeon Dr Scamp will use the incision technique that was discussed and decided during your consult. Whether the techniques involve reducing a dorsal hump or sculpting the nasal tip will be based on your individual goals and needs.

Generally, there are two approaches to rhinoplasty: the open technique and the closed technique. Both can be effective and may be used in different cases depending on the extent of the procedure. The closed technique involves internal incisions on the inside of the nose, while the open technique involves an external incision on the underside of the nose. The open technique allows the surgeon to have more visibility and access to the underlying structures, making it the better option in more complex cases. However, this method will result in a small scar.

Once Dr Scamp has made the incisions on the nose, he will shave, reduce or reposition into a new shape any excess cartilage and bone. He will then arrange the skin over the altered framework of the nose and close all of the incision sites using sutures. If the patient requires septoplasty for nasal blockages, this will also be performed during surgery. From start to finish, the surgery can take around two to three hours to complete. This will depend on the extent of the restructuring of the nose, which will vary with every patient.

Rhinoplasty cost on the Gold Coast

Dr Scamp designs every surgery in accordance with the individual patient, their health, and the outcomes they wish to achieve. Therefore, the costs can vary.

During your consult appointment, we will discuss a number of factors which will impact the surgical costs. These include the techniques used in your surgery, the extent and duration of the procedure, and the required aftercare. This means we will need to understand your goals and desires for surgery before giving a pricing estimate. Once we have discussed your goals and developed your treatment plan, we will have a greater idea of the techniques required and the consequent costs involved. These may include the surgeon’s fee, the anaesthetist’s fee, and hospital costs.

Sometimes, patients may be able to receive assistance from Medicare or a private health insurer. However, this generally only applies if the surgery is deemed medically required and if the patient meets certain criteria. Dr Scamp can provide you with more details on whether you may meet these criteria, but you will then need to consult your private health insurer to determine how much coverage they will provide. He can also answer any other questions you may have about surgical costs.

For more information on surgical costs, book a consult for a private discussion with rhinoplasty surgeon Dr Scamp.

Surgery Preparation

Deciding on whether or not to have surgery is a big step, and you will meet with Dr Terrence Scamp more than once before the procedure.

Dr Scamp will examine your nose and measure its shape and size at your consultation. Photos will be taken of your nose so that you can compare the results of the surgery with your original appearance.

At your meetings, you will have the chance to ask Dr Scamp everything you want to know about what will be involved in the procedure. Make sure that you are clear about the benefits, risks, and what to expect after surgery.


After surgery, it is normal for patients to have swelling and bruising around the eyes and nose area, as well as tenderness. We can issue pain relief to ensure patient comfort, along with a complimentary supply of Arnica to assist with healing. We may also advise you to wear a splint over the nose for around seven to ten days. This will help to encourage healthy healing and support the new shape. Patients can wear makeup after the splint has been removed if they wish to conceal the appearance of any bruising.

Most patients are able to return to their work within one to two weeks after their rhinoplasty, as well as resume more strenuous activities after three to four weeks. The new shape of the nose may become more visible once swelling and bruising have reduced; however, it can take six to twelve months to see the final results. Due to the placement of small incisions in open-structure rhinoplasty, there should be minimal scarring. In the case of closed rhinoplasty, there will be no visible scarring due to the incisions being within the two nostrils.

You should follow all instructions given by Dr Scamp in order to help your nose heal and reduce the risk of healing problems.

Risks andcomplications

Before you decide to pursue surgery, it is crucial to be aware of the potential risks. Being aware of these risks will help you to have a well-rounded knowledge of your chosen procedure, which will inform your decision.

The risks of rhinoplasty can include:

  • Slow healing
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Ongoing pain and swelling
  • Numbness
  • Anaesthesia reactions
  • Problems breathing through the nose
  • Change in sensation
  • Poor scarring
  • Asymmetry or unwanted results
  • The need for further surgery

Book your personal consultation with Dr Scamp

Rhinoplasty is a serious surgery that will permanently change the shape of the nose, and only you can make the final decision about whether to proceed. It is important that you are fully informed and understand what to expect beforehand so that you can make this decision. It is also crucial to have a qualified surgeon who is attentive to your needs and will provide you with the support and care you require each step of the way. Dr Scamp is dedicated to providing this support to each patient, catering to their individual needs and surgical goals.

If you would like to find out more about rhinoplasty and what it can do for you, you are welcome to book a consultation. You can arrange an appointment with Dr Terrence Scamp today by contacting our Gold Coast clinic.

Common Surgery QuestionsFAQs: Rhinoplasty

Some of our most commonly asked questions about Rhinoplasty.

What is rhinoplasty?

Am I a good candidate for surgery?

What is the recovery process like after rhinoplasty?

What are some of the aftercare instructions?

How long does it take to see the final results of rhinoplasty?

What are the potential risks of rhinoplasty?